Path that leads to nowhere

Often in life we find our selves at cross roads. We stand their for really long and ponder upon which one to take. Which path will take me to my destination. Which one is the easiest or the shortest path. The most exciting and adventurous one. The path that will lead  me to my dreams.

But what if I don't want to reach to the goal yet. Or that I don't know what my goal is? Do I keep standing at the cross roads and wonder. Or do I take a random path and just walk along it. The path that I don't know leads to where.

Apparently in life, we all take that path at least once. The path on which we walk without knowing what lies at the end. Another cross road or may be just a dead end.
Quite often we hear ourselves saying we are just going with the flow or we are flowing with the wind or we are taking one step at a time. So doesn't this mean that we are walking down the lane and don't know where it'll lead us too.

Youngsters who fall in love generally say they are living in the moment. I don't say that its bad. On the contrary I support them. Because there's no point planning the future when I can't enjoy my present.
But isn't it necessary to know where this love is leading me too?? or to know if this is the real thing?? or just to know that what I have isn't going to end soon. Shouldn't I know how long this road is intended to be by both of us??

Just to ponder upon another instance. School kids are often asked what they want to do after their done with schooling. Answers are generally, depends on my results, let me complete schooling first etc. My concern is, shouldn't they dream of what they want to be already? I mean only once they know what they want to become will they walk that path and fulfill their dreams. Isn't it? And if I don't know what I want to be then I won't know what to pack for my path because I won't know who I will meet and what I will need down the lane.

Many of you will say, once you start walking you get all the answers. Do we? What if you realize that its not your path but there's no turning back for the people involved in it or because of the people involved in it?

What will you do then? Hence I ask, is it advisable for us to take a path without knowing the address?? Should we walk along,
irrespective of the fact that I don't know if it's real or if it's right?


  1. I don't have a clue how i landed on this blog.
    good one.

    Well any road you choose, at times its not about the destination and goals, its about how memorable and challenging the journey was. At times entire goal or destination is changed. We started to reach somewhere and reached somewhere else but on looking back you find whatever happened was destined and for good. You are now far ahead than what you thought where you wanted to be.


    1. Thank you Harsh. I'm glad you landed on my blog.
      nd yes I agree that at times its more about the ride than the destination.. Thanks for reminding the aspect.. :)

  2. Very few know what their goals are but I can tell you all the successful people, as we call them apparently, never knew what their goal is.
    So its always about enjoying the ride, no matter what path does one take.

    1. it is abt enjoying the ride... bt is it worth it wen we know the ride is only for enjoyment bt will destroy u at end?

  3. i dont know anything how i landed up on ur blog....but yes me now also on crossroads ....but what is making or makes me to choose a path is my intutition .....but neways keep writing and keep inspiring

    1. Hey swapnil.... I kn ow our intution drives us to the path.. but thts wt.. wt if our intution turns out wrong?


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