All about Numbers...

Ever wondered how life revolves around numbers...
Number's are linked to you the moment you are born.. in fact the moment your existence is determined i.e.when your in your mother's womb.. you're born and your date of birth gets linked to you.. you grow up a little and you have to start with 1 2 3... without realizing you're in your junior high and your examinations marks start revolving around your head.. as soon as you hit the middle school time speed distance will make you feel like a ship wrecking into the wall.. you think that the worst is over when you cross your high school.. but nope you're wrong.. you don't realise that calculus is peeping in from the window of your +2!

These god damit numbers will never ever leave you alone!! your admission in college is based on numbers &your score, your placement depends on your numbers you score.. your admission for post graduation depends on your percentile.. woooofffffff... numbers numbers every where... not a single escape to run!!!

Few days back.....A rocket from the space hit me!! I woke up sitting in my office where the colleagues were jumping around.. thinking about their salary hikes!!!
And then it hit me!!
Life is all about numbers!!

and it'll always be...
