
As I sit with little to do,
My mind is filled with thoughts of you.
I was in a place far away from the real world.
A place which ended even before 2012.

As I tresspass to the past
My heart feels the pain inflected by you
I was left with a bleeding heart
A heart that could now bleed nomore.

As I recollect the memories
My soul felt tormented
I was thrown out of the door
A door I would never step in again

As your voice echoed in my ears
My heart remembered all the lies
I figured out I was a fool
A fool that gave way too many chances

As I reminisce your touch
My body feels the shivers
I understood what you really wished
A wish I could not fullfill

As I envision the tears
My eyes feels all the water
I came acrosss the river i cried
river thats not yet dried.....


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