Friends and Others

Sometimes in life we all get stuck in situations where we don't know what to do or what not to do.. Times when you're angry or in love or hurt or sad or any damn feeling under the cloud. Times when you just want to laugh out loud or cry your eyes out or just don't say anything. Times when you need someone to pat your back, to motivate you or in some cases discourage you, to yell at you or to bring you on the right track.

In such times your family is always there. But what if it's something you don't wanna discuss with them?? What if you know that your family isn't going to understand it. That if you talk to them they might just get paranoid. 

Who do you resort to in such times? Who is by your side no matter what? To whom you do not have to call because you know they already got your back.

The answer is F.R.I.E.N.D.

A friend is no less than family. It's like family of your age and generation. Friends will make sure that you stay healthy and fit. They will say ruthless things to you and make you feel horrible and miserable. But when OTHERS do it.. They make sure that they take revenge. They cry when you cry. They laugh when you laugh and they laugh louder when you fall. But they will always be there to extend the hand to pick you up.

When Others take a step to ridicule you, insult you or hurt you.. Your friends will say a 1000 things to those others. They will make the situation look as if the others are bad, just to make you feel happy. Theory of Relativity as one of my friends say. 

We all our blessed with friends in our life. We talk daily to some and to some we don't talk at all. Some gave us memories that were good. Some gave us memories that aren't worth spending time. 

Today in my life I went through such a phase. A phase where some fought, some cared, some yelled and some lent their shoulder and ear. As much as I didn't like going through the phase.. I liked my friends backing me up. My friends telling me will see to it. Today I'm proud that my friends are by my side and that I have these angels to guard me.

Are your friends like this??


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